monthly distractions

What are you doing this weekend? Tonight I'm headed down to my cousin's wedding and then plan on spending the rest of weekend watching season two of Chef's Table. In the meantime, here are some links from around the Web that I enjoyed this past month. Enjoy the loooonnnnng weekend!

1. The latest music video from dear, old Adele was released earlier this week. It's awesome and dizzying. Watch above.

2. If you aren't attending my cousins wedding, head downtown to the 14th Annual Asian Heritage Festival. Check out more info on their Facebook page here.

3. Ever wonder why New Yorkers almost always wear black? Answer.

4. Did you know that almost forty percent of buildings in Manhattan couldn't be built today? Read all about it here.

5. Taylor Swift is wise, "You can be accidentally successful for three or four years. But careers take hard work." Read the whole interview here.

6. "Hold the door." 

7. Watch this if you ever wondered what a 1980's edition of Game of Thrones would look like.

8. The comments on this article about dinner parties are full of tips. 

9. Have you signed up for my newsletter? It's full of info on upcoming events in the City, as well as links to posts you might have missed from here on the site. Get it in your inbox every week by signing up right here.

photo from New York Magazine 

photo from New York Magazine