be content with your content

I’ve been receiving quite a few emails lately asking for my opinion on brands and their digital content. I’m honored that people are seeking me out and I think it’s another example of why it’s important to have a consistent presence online.

For the past five years I’ve been working in digital media and I’ve learned a lot about the sort of content people gravitate towards and how important it is to have a strong personality behind what you post. I’ve learned enough that I’m ready share it.

If your brand is using bad content than your brand is telling a bad story. All it takes is a lazy caption or a badly-lit photograph to communicate a negative narrative about your brand. There’s no excuse: you should be telling a compelling, well-articulated story. The only way to do that is with good, quality content.

With good content you’re telling a good story and most likely creating buzz, engagement, and profit around your brand. If you own a business that’s active online, you should ask yourself: what sort of story are we telling?

I’m a connector by nature. I connect people to one another and I do it really well. I want to leverage this talent with brands because most of them don’t have enough time (or enough manpower) to do it themselves. They need someone to connect the dots and someone to network on their behalf — I’m that guy.

Interested? You contact me using the form on the top right and we’ll set up a consultation. Easy as that! I want to help you because you should be content with your content.