Course Syllabus for Quarantine 101

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My name is Evan Olson and I will be your instructor for this semester’s latest offering: Quarantine 101. Below I have included a short course description detailing the classes offered.

  1. Isolation and Calamity in American Cinema: Faculty suggests using this time to cross films off of your long list of blockbuster must-sees and critical darlings. Furthermore, we encourage you to seek out films with a topical message (e.g. social distancing). Begin with Rear Window, working your way up to the Shining, and ending with something current, such as Signs.

  2. Test Kitchen {In Your Kitchen): Even members of the student body not enrolled in this class are discovering the alchemy that is baking. While we did not assign specific textbooks, Julie Turshen’s debut, Small Victories, comes highly recommended by review boards.

  3. Resistance Is Futile: Order resistance bands (do not make my mistake and inadvertently order from the U.K.) and get to it. Lennon Stella’s latest album is perfect for whatever form of exercise you select. It is also ideal for those long breaks in between when you forget what you are doing and end up falling asleep on the couch.

  4. Be Your Own Librarian: You are expected to consume knowledge in various forms throughout the semester, but now is the ideal time to procure physical books for your local independent bookseller. Last week, faculty discussed numerous titles they enjoyed from a purely recreational perspective, including: My Dark Vanessa, Commonwealth, and To Shake the Sleeping Self.

    TW: Each of these books are under four hundred pages, so the more carnivorous readers would do well to stick with Tolstoy or Proust.

As our Latin predecessors said: discere est vivet!

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